
慧光法师:清净菩提心之道 ── 什么是世间的布施?

 2020/8/19    下载DOC文档    

清净菩提心之道 ── 什么是世间的布施?
The path to purify Bodhicitta──What is secular generosity?
English translation:
《The Mahaprajnaparmita Sutra》 fascicle 424 states:
   At the time, Venerable Sariputra asked Venerable Subhuti: "What is the pure Bodhicitta path when the Bodhisattva cultivates the six paramitas?"
   Subhuti (his name literally means "Good Existence": Su - "good"; bhūti - "existence") replied: "Sariputra!  There are two kinds of six paramitas: first, secular and second, supramundane."
   Sariputra (his name literally means "son of ?ārī”: ?ārī - the name of his mother which means a bird with large and beautiful eyes; putra - “son”) asked: "What is secular generosity? What is supramundane generosity?"
   Subhuti answered: "Sariputra! If there is a Bodhisattva who is a great and generous donor capable of providing to all spiritual practitioners including those who live in the agony of poverty in addition to all the helpless orphans, travelers, and beggars. If they need nourishment, he provides food. If they need transportation, he provides transportation. If they need warmth, he provides clothing and shelter, etc. In this way, the Bodhisattva fulfills both their internal and external material needs.
   Although he practices such immense generosity, there are still the following lingering thoughts of attachment and clinging in his mind: "I gave. He accepted. I am a benefactor. I did not have the mind of greed or covetousness. I followed the teachings of the Buddha and gave everything for the sake of charity. As such, I practiced generosity." When he practices generosity, he cultivates with the mind of attainment or achievement as a means of sharing with all other beings equally and transferring these merits toward the realization of the highest enlightenment.
Again, his mind is contemplating the following thoughts: "I took my fortunate retributions and gave them to all beings, so that they might attain well-being in the present and future lives and even at last realize Nirvana (or liberation)." In essence, this Bodhisattva cultivated generosity with attachments to the three aspects of giving.
   What are the three aspects of giving? They are so-called having thoughts of the “self”, “others,” and “the act of giving.”
   Since this cultivation of generosity is practiced with attachments to the three aspects of giving, it is appropriately called the secular generosity.
   Why is this generosity considered as secular?  The reason is because it possesses the same attributes as the world.  In other words, it cannot remove and not capable of transcending worldly circumstances.  As such, it is deemed as secular generosity."?


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